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ipsw dyld ida

Analyze DSC in IDA Pro

ipsw dyld ida <DSC> <DYLIB> [DYLIBS...] [flags]


  -a, --all                   Analyze whole cache (this will take a while)
-c, --delete-db Disassemble a new file (delete the old database)
-d, --dependancies Analyze module dependencies
--diaphora-db string Path to Diaphora database
-k, --docker Run IDA Pro in a docker container
--docker-image string IDA Pro docker image (default "blacktop/idapro:8.2-pro")
-g, --enable-gui Enable IDA Pro GUI (defaults to headless)
-e, --extra-args strings IDA Pro CLI extra arguments
-h, --help help for ida
-p, --ida-path string IDA Pro directory (darwin default: /Applications/IDA Pro */
-l, --log-file string IDA log file
-o, --output string Output folder
-s, --script string IDA Pro script to run
-r, --script-args strings IDA Pro script arguments
--slide string dyld_shared_cache image ASLR slide value (hexadecimal)
-t, --temp-db Do not create a database file (requires --enable-gui)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --color           colorize output
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.config/ipsw/config.yaml)
--no-color disable colorize output
-V, --verbose verbose output