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ipsw class-dump

ObjC class-dump a dylib from a DSC or MachO

ipsw class-dump [<DSC> <DYLIB>|<MACHO>] [flags]


      --arch string     Which architecture to use for fat/universal MachO
-a, --cat string Dump category (regex)
-c, --class string Dump class (regex)
--demangle Demangle symbol names (same as verbose)
--deps Dump imported private frameworks
--headers Dump ObjC headers
-h, --help help for class-dump
-o, --output string Folder to write headers to
-p, --proto string Dump protocol (regex)
--re RE verbosity (with addresses)
--refs Dump ObjC references too
-s, --spm 🚧 Generate a Swift Package for the dylib
--theme string Color theme (nord, github, etc) (default "nord")
-x, --xcfw 🚧 Generate a XCFramework for the dylib

Options inherited from parent commands

      --color           colorize output
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.config/ipsw/config.yaml)
--no-color disable colorize output
-V, --verbose verbose output


  • ipsw - Download and Parse IPSWs (and SO much more)