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ipsw dyld disass

Disassemble at symbol/vaddr

ipsw dyld disass <DSC> [flags]


      --cache string    Path to .a2s addr to sym cache file (speeds up analysis)
-c, --count uint Number of instructions to disassemble
-d, --demangle Demangle symbol names
-h, --help help for disass
-i, --image string dylib image to search
--input string Input function JSON file
-j, --json Output as JSON
-q, --quiet Do NOT markup analysis (Faster)
-s, --symbol string Function to disassemble
-a, --vaddr uint Virtual address to start disassembling

Options inherited from parent commands

      --color           colorize output
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.config/ipsw/config.yaml)
--no-color disable colorize output
-V, --verbose verbose output