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ipsw extract

Extract kernelcache, dyld_shared_cache or DeviceTree from IPSW/OTA

ipsw extract <IPSW/OTA | URL> [flags]


      --device string           Device to extract kernel for (e.g. iPhone10,6)
--dmg string Extract DMG file (app, sys, fs)
--driverkit Extract DriverKit dyld_shared_cache
--dtree Extract DeviceTree
-d, --dyld Extract dyld_shared_cache
-a, --dyld-arch stringArray dyld_shared_cache architecture to extract
-f, --files Extract File System files
--flat Do NOT perserve directory structure when extracting
-h, --help help for extract
--iboot Extract iBoot
--insecure do not verify ssl certs
-j, --json Output extracted paths as JSON
--kbag Extract Im4p Keybags
-k, --kernel Extract kernelcache
-o, --output string Folder to extract files to
-p, --pattern string Extract files that match regex
--proxy string HTTP/HTTPS proxy
-r, --remote Extract from URL
--sep Extract sep-firmware
--sptm Extract SPTM and TXM Firmwares
--sys-ver Extract SystemVersion

Options inherited from parent commands

      --color           colorize output
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.config/ipsw/config.yaml)
--no-color disable colorize output
-V, --verbose verbose output


  • ipsw - Download and Parse IPSWs (and SO much more)