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ipsw macho dump

Dump MachO data at given virtual address

ipsw macho dump <macho> <address> [flags]


  -v, --addr             Output as addresses/uint64s
-a, --arch string Which architecture to use for fat/universal MachO
-b, --bytes Output as bytes
-c, --count uint The number of total items to display
-h, --help help for dump
-o, --output string Output to a file
-x, --section string Dump a specific segment/section (i.e. __TEXT.__text)
-s, --size uint Size of data in bytes

Options inherited from parent commands

      --color           colorize output
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.config/ipsw/config.yaml)
--no-color disable colorize output
-V, --verbose verbose output